Can Mexican Wedding Cookies Be Frozen?

Introduction to Mexican Wedding Cookies

Freezing Mexican wedding cookies are a traditional treat often associated with celebrations and special events. Their origin is believed to date back to medieval times when they were introduced to Mexico by Spanish settlers. These delicious shortbread-like cookies are known for their melt-in-your-mouth texture and rich flavor, often made with butter, powdered sugar, and finely chopped nuts.

They are recognized by many names across different regions, such as snowball cookies, Russian tea cakes, and butterballs. This delightful dessert is a staple in holiday baking due to its simple ingredients and festive appearance. Their powdered sugar coating resembles a blanket of snow, making them a beautiful addition to any holiday spread.

One of the key aspects of these cookies is their ability to stay fresh for extended periods, which brings up an important question: Can Mexican wedding cookies be frozen? Whether you’re preparing them for an upcoming event, holiday season, or simply want to store them for later, freezing them might be a convenient solution.

Why Freeze Mexican Wedding Cookies?

Freezing Mexican wedding cookies is a great option for several reasons. First, it allows you to make large batches in advance, making them perfect for holiday gifting, family gatherings, or even as a sweet treat for guests at weddings. Freezing also helps you save time during busy periods since the cookies can be made ahead of time and stored without losing their freshness or texture.

Additionally, freezing helps prevent waste, as you can easily store leftover cookies and enjoy them later. This method maintains the flavor and quality of the cookies, ensuring they remain just as tasty when you finally take them out of the freezer. The convenience of freezing allows you to bake large quantities without the pressure of consuming them all at once.

Can Mexican Wedding Cookies Be Frozen?

Yes, you can freeze both baked Mexican wedding cookies and the unbaked dough. Each method has its benefits, depending on how you plan to enjoy them. Freezing baked cookies allows you to have ready-to-eat treats whenever you want, while freezing the dough provides the flexibility to bake fresh cookies on demand.

For other cookies that freeze well, like protein-based cookies, explore our tips on how to make cookies from protein powder, which can also be prepared in advance and frozen.

Freezing Baked Cookies

When freezing baked Mexican wedding cookies, you’ll preserve their soft, crumbly texture and maintain their delicate flavor. After thawing, they should still melt in your mouth, just like freshly baked ones. However, some minor changes may occur in the powdered sugar coating, which might dissolve slightly after freezing. To restore their appearance, simply roll them in fresh powdered sugar once they’ve thawed.

If you’re wondering about other treats and how long they last, check out our article on how to store 7-layer bars for more insights on keeping baked goods fresh.

Freezing Unbaked Dough

Freezing the dough offers a fantastic alternative, especially if you prefer to bake fresh cookies when needed. The dough can be formed into balls and frozen without the powdered sugar coating. This way, you can bake them straight from the freezer whenever the craving hits. Just add a couple of extra minutes to the baking time to account for the frozen dough.

Both methods preserve the cookies’ flavor and texture, making freezing a practical solution for long-term storage.

How to Freeze Mexican Wedding Cookies

To ensure that your Mexican wedding cookies retain their delicious flavor and texture, follow these steps for freezing both the baked cookies and the dough.

A plate of freshly baked Mexican wedding cookies with powdered sugar coating, perfect for freezing and storing.

Freezing Baked Cookies

  1. Let the Cookies Cool Completely
    After baking, allow the cookies to cool fully before freezing. This step prevents moisture from being trapped, which could cause the cookies to become soggy.
  2. Layer with Parchment Paper
    Place the cooled cookies in an airtight container, separating each layer with parchment paper. This prevents the cookies from sticking together while frozen.
  3. Label the Container
    Make sure to label the container with the date of freezing. Mexican wedding cookies can be stored in the freezer for up to three months.
  4. Freeze for Up to 3 Months
    For the best quality, consume the cookies within three months. While they will remain safe to eat beyond this time, the flavor and texture may begin to degrade slightly.

Freezing Dough

  1. Shape the Dough into Balls
    Form the dough into balls without rolling them in powdered sugar. This step should be done prior to freezing to ensure they maintain their shape.
  2. Freeze on a Baking Sheet
    Place the dough balls on a baking sheet and freeze them for 1-2 hours. Once they are frozen solid, transfer them to a freezer-safe bag or airtight container.
  3. Label and Freeze for 1 Month
    Dough can be stored in the freezer for up to one month. Label the bag with the date to keep track of how long it has been frozen.

By following these methods, you’ll be able to enjoy fresh-tasting cookies or dough whenever you need them.

Thawing and Baking Frozen Mexican Wedding Cookies

When it’s time to enjoy your frozen Mexican wedding cookies, you have two options: thaw the cookies or bake the frozen dough. Here’s how to handle both scenarios.

Thawing Baked Cookies

  • Thaw at Room Temperature: Remove the frozen cookies from the freezer and allow them to thaw at room temperature for a couple of hours.
  • Re-roll in Powdered Sugar: After thawing, the powdered sugar coating may dissolve slightly. To restore their appearance, roll the cookies in fresh powdered sugar.

Baking Frozen Dough

  • Thaw in the Refrigerator: If you’ve frozen unbaked dough, place it in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight to thaw.
  • Bake from Frozen: You can bake frozen dough balls directly from the freezer. Just remember to add an extra 2-3 minutes to the baking time to ensure they cook through.

For both options, the cookies’ texture and flavor will remain consistent, ensuring they are just as delicious as when freshly baked.

How Does Freezing Affect Texture and Taste?

One of the best features of Mexican wedding cookies is their melt-in-your-mouth texture. Fortunately, freezing does not significantly alter this quality. The cookies remain soft and crumbly after freezing, with minimal changes to the overall taste.

A plate of freshly baked Mexican wedding cookies with powdered sugar coating, perfect for freezing and storing.

Powdered Sugar Coating

The only noticeable difference after freezing may be in the powdered sugar coating, especially if you’ve frozen baked cookies. The sugar can dissolve slightly due to moisture. To address this, simply re-roll the thawed cookies in fresh powdered sugar, restoring their beautiful snowball-like appearance.


In terms of texture, both the baked cookies and dough retain their characteristic softness. The freezing process helps preserve their delicate crumb, making them taste as fresh as the day they were made.

Best Storage Methods for Frozen Cookies

To ensure that your frozen cookies maintain their flavor and quality, it’s essential to store them properly.

  • Airtight Containers: Store cookies in airtight plastic or glass containers. This helps prevent moisture from entering, which could lead to freezer burn.
  • Layer with Parchment Paper: To avoid the cookies sticking together, place parchment paper between each layer.
  • Avoid Freezer Burn: Ensure a tight seal on the container to protect the cookies from exposure to air and freezer burn.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Freezing

When freezing Mexican wedding cookies, there are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Freezing While Warm: Never freeze cookies that haven’t cooled completely, as this could cause condensation, resulting in a soggy texture.
  • Not Using Airtight Containers: Using improper containers can lead to freezer burn and a stale taste.
  • Forgetting to Label: Always label your containers with the freezing date to avoid consuming cookies past their prime.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I freeze the dough instead of the baked cookies?

Yes, freezing the dough is often a preferable method for maintaining freshness. The dough can be frozen for up to 1 month.

How long can I keep frozen Mexican wedding cookies?

  • Baked cookies: Up to 3 months.
  • Dough: 1 month.

Does freezing affect the powdered sugar coating?

Yes, the sugar may dissolve slightly after freezing, but you can re-roll the cookies in fresh powdered sugar after thawing.

Can I bake Mexican wedding cookies directly from frozen?

Yes, you can bake the dough directly from the freezer. Just add an extra 2-3 minutes to the baking time.

Conclusion: Benefits of Freezing Mexican Wedding Cookies

Freezing Mexican wedding cookies offers a convenient solution for long-term storage, whether you freeze the baked cookies or the dough. It allows you to save time during busy seasons, maintain the freshness and texture of the cookies, and prepare large batches in advance. By following the right techniques for freezing and thawing, you can enjoy these delicious treats whenever you please. So, give freezing a try and add Mexican wedding cookies to your holiday preparations!

Related Articles

  • Mexican Cookies: Explore other traditional Mexican cookies that are perfect for any occasion and learn how to store them for extended freshness.
  • How to Make Cookies from Protein Powder: Discover a healthier alternative with these protein-packed cookies that can be frozen and enjoyed later.
  • Banana Cookie Recipe: Try a unique twist on traditional cookies with this banana cookie recipe, another treat that freezes well.

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